Open vs Closed Adoptions

adoptee open vs closedUnfortunately, no one emailed me with their opinions on the closed vs. open adoptions. I’ve done a tad bit of research and find that I’m conflicted on how I feel about open adoption. I’m all for the pre-birth process. I believe it is so healthy for both sides to get to know each other. A birth mother needs to know who will be raising the baby and it helps them avoid the constant wonder of whether or not the child was in a good home. The birth mother will have that level of comfort to help ease the feelings of pain and guilt. I also think it is beautiful how the adoptive parents are involved in the pregnancy and actual birth. The adoptive parents can then relay that experience to their children. They can tell him/her if it was a rainy or beautiful day, if it was a hard or easy birth, and who cut the umbilical cord. Not to mention the obvious value of the adoptive parents being able to bond immediately with the precious baby. All of that seems like a win-win situation to me! It is the post-birth process that I question and wonder who that really benefits. I know that there are varying degrees of open adoption so let’s start with the bare minimum openness: sharing photos of the child once or twice a year and submitted through a third party. This seems like a nice gesture by the adoptive parents to just keep the birth parents informed however, how healthy is that for the birth parent? The point of adoption is to relinquish your responsibility to that child. That is a very painful experience and it seems like the once or twice a year reminder of your decision would make it worse. The degrees go up from there, all the way to visitations by the birth parents. I really don’t know who this benefits. This, to me, is not really adoption because the birth parents have just let someone else take on the hard responsibilities but the birth parents have the freedom to come around when they feel like it which interrupts a healthy child’s emotional development and the development of the family unit. This helps no one. So tell me…. where am I right and where am I wrong? What do you feel are the downfalls and/or the benefits? If you’re an adoptee, I want to hear your thoughts on this. I think I’ve been clear about my feelings on this. The less it is reinforced to the child that they are adopted, the better. Ok – for real, it’s YOUR TURN. Talk to me.

2 thoughts on “Open vs Closed Adoptions”

  1. I am not an adoptee, but I’ve seen how adoption affects the birth family. The constant wondering about the adopted child can, if you let it, take over your thoughts. Or it can be just a passing thought every now and then, but it’s still there. Do I think there should be constant communication between the birth and adopted families? No. The choice for adoption is made for a reason. Once you know the baby is going to a good home, love the child enough to let it go and take peace in knowing that the right decision has been made.

    1. Thank you for this perspective! It is so important to know all sides…. And I agree with you a million percent! well said!

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