What about the birth FAMILIES?

adoptee familiesThe birth mother, sometimes birth father, the adoptee, and the adoptive parents get all the attention but what about the birth families? We tend to forget the effect adoption has on them. The Teen Mom series touches on it through Catelynn and Tyler’s story of adoption. Unfortunately, her mom and his dad were vehemently against it and provided zero support for the young teens. To a slightly lesser degree, there is an effect on other family members, as well. There are aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, and others who feel sad about losing that member of the family. Or maybe the pregnancy and adoption are big secrets to most of the family and only close family members know about it putting an extra burden on their shoulders. It is hard for the family members because they know that the exciting new member of the family is going to become the member of a different family.  They are also supporting the birth mother and making her comfortable with her decision. And then they, too, will wonder their whole lives about the child. So let’s remember that it is not only a hard road for a birth mother and/or birth father but it is also a hard road for the family of that birth parent to be able to let go. Everyone involved is very brave and again, I personally thank my amazing birth mother AND her family for her decision to place me for adoption and the support they gave her through that incredibly rough time in her life. I’d love to hear from birth family members on how you felt when a child was placed for adoption and let me know if there are support groups for that. Thank you!

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