Yet another possible sacrifice arises for birth parents

adoptee broken heartCan placing your child for adoption inhibit you from having more children in the future? I heard a story about a couple who decided to place their child up for adoption when she became pregnant at a very young age. They both figured it was the best thing to do for the child. They stayed together as a couple as they grew up and eventually married. I’m guessing the hard choice they made together brought them closer together. After they married, they both felt like they shouldn’t/couldn’t have more kids because they would feel guilty about the first child they gave up. My heart breaks for that couple. As if placing your child for adoption doesn’t create enough emotional problems to last a lifetime, let’s add the sacrifice of ever feeling the joy of being a parent to that emotional pain. Because they made the loving decision to give up the first child, they then make the decision to give up any future children. This couple selflessly gave their first child endless opportunities; but then they punish themselves by never having children. Why sacrifice that joy on top of what they’ve already sacrificed? I think I can understand the feeling of guilt but it breaks my heart that these good people would sacrifice so much of their future together. Is it a senseless sacrifice or would the guilt over that first child tear them apart? I hope that birth parents know that they are good people and deserve to be happy even if that means having children later in life, when they can handle it. Are there others like that out there that feel this way? Don’t punish yourselves, reward yourselves with a happy life. That is what your first child deserves.

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